David Ryce
(910) 381-5032

Lt. Commander 
Ron Civils  
(910) 358-3492

​Shon Edmons
(910) 545-7025

Rick New
(910) 389-2954

Return to Camp 1302 Homepage.

"Do your duty in all things.
You cannot do more.
You should never wish to do less".
Robert E. Lee

The General Lewis A. Armistead Camp 1302
Established in 1969
Serving to defend the good name of the Confederate Soldier 
and to emulate his virtues

If you are the descendant of a Confederate soldier or sailor who served honorably in the armed forces of the Confederate States of America and you are proud of that heritage, we invite you to rally with us in the fight to preserve the truth about our Southern heritage.  Join us in the battle to preserve the monuments to and the traditions of our heritage.
Our brave ancestors responded to the call to defend their homeland and way of life.  Will you defend their memory by joining the General Lewis A. Armistead Camp 1302, Sons of Confederate Veterans?

Contact one of the following for an application:

David Ryce
(910) 381-5032

Lt. Commander 
Ron Civils  
(910) 358-3492

Shon Edmons 
(910) 545-7025

Rick New
(910) 389-2954

Sons of Confederate Veterans 
The "United Sons of Confederate Veterans" was created on July 1, 1896 in Richmond, Virginia.  In 1912 the name was shortened to "Sons of Confederate Veterans" (SCV).

Their purpose was "... to comfort, succor, and assist needy, Confederate Veterans, their wives, widows and orphans" and to see "that the events of the War Between the States are authentically and clearly written."

The SCV is a voluntary organization of direct and collateral descendants of those who served the army, navy, marines and government of the Confederate States of America.

Our goals remain those given to us by General Stephen D. Lee, "To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the Cause for which we fought; to your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which made him glorious and which you also cherish.  Remember it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations."

Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is a privilege.  Information regarding ancestor's service and an applicant's family history is required.  Membership must be approved by the local camp.  Every applicant is required to sign a "Declaration Statement" which affirms that he does not belong to any organization which espouses racial superiority nor the violent overthrow of the Constitution of the United States.  No exceptions are made on this policy.  Contact one of the names provided for an application.  (Must be at least 12 years of age to join.)

Camp 1302 Namesake
Gen. Lewis Addison Armistead, CSA
Born February 18, 1817 in New Bern, North Carolina to a respected military family, he attended West Point and fought in the Mexican War.  He resigned his U. S. Army commission in 1861 and entered Confederate service.  He led a brigade in "Pickett's Charge" at Gettysburg that is said to have made the deepest penetration in the Federal line; he was mortally wounded in this action on July 3, 1863 and died two days later.  Union General Winfield Scott Hancock, Armistead's close friend, led the defending troops in this part of the line, and later Hancock had the somber duty of sending Armistead's spurs to his family.  On the spot where Armistead fell is a monument marking what has come to be called "The High Tide" of the Confederacy.

Handwritten on the flyleaf of his prayer book given to Almira Hancock, his close friend's wife, at his request upon his death were the words, "Trust in God and fear nothing."  The pattern of his life as a soldier indicates that he was indifferent to his own fate and that his prayer book motto (which is Camp 1302's motto also) --- "Trust in God and fear nothing"--- was the creed that guided him.

Camp History and Purpose
The General Lewis A. Armistead Camp 1302, SCV was chartered on December 13, 1969.  The camp became inactive in 1987 but was reorganized in July of 1994 and rechartered March 25, 1995.  Under the leadership of present Comander David Ryce and past commanders John Wilcox, Bernie Rosage, Jr., Keith Alexander, Bert Bertrand, Roger Alvis, Michael Smen, and Ron Civils the camp has accomplished many things and membership continues to grow.  Camp 1302 was recognized as "1997 Camp of the Year" in the North Carolina Division and scored the highest amount of points in the 100 year history of the division. The award was also awarded to Camp 1302 in 1999.

Our main goal is to carry out the commission given to us in 1896 by General Stephen D. Lee as mentioned earlier.  We do this in a number of ways in the community --- Living History and War Between the States Programs to schools and organizations, WBTS symposiums, Confederate Memorial Day services, Banquets to honor our Southern heroes, Marking and providing gravestones for Confederate soldiers, Donations to various preservation projects, and monthly meetings open to the public --- to name a few.

We are the descendants of Confederate soldiers and sailors.  Our charge is to defend the good name of the Confederate soldier whose honor and bravery in defense of his homeland remains unsurpassed.  Our goal is to assist in the education of younger generations.

Regular Monthly Meetings
Camp 1302 usually meets on the second Monday of each month.  Our meetings begin at 7:00 P.M. at the Bethlehem Fellowship Hall behind Bethlehem Baptist Church on Gumbranch Road, near Half Moon (Between Jacksonville and Richlands). Each month we have a guest speaker to provide us with a Confederate related program.  The public is invited and encouraged to bring a friend.

General Information about Camp 1302: